
Our little filly could barely stand on her own, let alone feed. We had to step in. Sleeping in her stable, milking Piper and bottle feeding Millie for a few days after she was born was crucial for the foal to survive. Piper was brilliant and supported us all through.

Now that Millie is all grown up however, Piper has gone back to being her grumpy old self. Affectionately known as The Grinch back at the sanctuary, she is impossible to show love/affection to as she comes at you ears pinned back and teeth bared. Piper is great when she knows she’s being handled though, she patiently waits as the neck rope is put on (she hates halters) and walks happily and quietly beside whoever leads her. She’s also perfectly behaved while the farrier works on her hooves, making her the strangest little pony we know.

Piper, being as healthy and healed as she is, was re-homed in 2020. She is now at Embassy International Riding School, training to be the best little school pony for all the lucky little children there.


From the busy roads of Bangalore to her new home on the backwaters. No more traffic dangerously speeding past/honking noisily all day/night. No more scrounging for scraps of food on the garbage filled streets. No more screaming kids throwing stones.

Piper was found on the busy roads of Bangalore, heavily pregnant. We knew we had to rescue her quickly as there was no way a foal could survive in those conditions.

Piper, Sawyer and Pickett arrived together at the sanctuary on the 23rd of September, 2018. Given the stress she went through, what with all the moving around and the 6 hour journey, Piper gave birth exactly a week later (30th September) to a premature foal.
