

Introducing the sweetest, most adorable 3-legged miniature donkey you will ever have the pleasure of meeting. Leg-Stump arrived at The Backwater Sanctuary on 4th May 2018. We found him on the side of the highway hobbling on 3 legs.

He was so sweet natured and so utterly gorgeous that we instantly fell in love. As he was wandering the roads, we had no idea who he belonged to or whether he was simply abandoned. After many calls and many conversations, we were finally given the green light to bring him home.

The story about his leg is heartbreaking - the local village people were burning waste on the side of the road and he accidentally stepped into a pool of burning plastic. His right leg caught on fire and melted his hoof nearly clean off, leaving an awkward stump behind. He may be slightly disabled but as long as we can provide a safe and comfortable environment for him, there’s no reason at all why he won’t live a happy life.

In the years he was with us, LegStump came into his own and developed a curiously quirky personality. He loved to explore the property with his little donkey herd and he lived a peaceful, content life on the backwaters. It broke our hearts when Leggy unexpectedly left us in 2020 - An altercation with a stronger donkey left him in a poorly state and a few days later, he passed. We miss him deeply every single day, and as he rests peacefully on the backwaters with his old friend Lu, he will remain in our hearts, utterly, whole heartedly and forever adored.


Donkey skin is currently in high demand in China. In the last decade alone the value of these skins has sky rocketed leading to an unprecedented illicit global trade. Donkey hide is used to make gelatine for medicines, making them more valuable dead than alive.

Abandoned donkeys, like Legstump, are prime targets in this illegal trade. We need to work together to protect them. 
